Visit eHana at the National Council in Seattle!

The eHana team is excited to be once again attending, learning, exhibiting and participating at the National Council for Community Behavioral Health conference. NatCon is the premier event for behavioral health providers and this year’s agenda is jam-packed with phenomenal speakers and sessions. Healthcare integration, payment reform and healthcare technology (obviously!) are some of the areas we're most excited to engage on with the 5000 plus (conference) attendees.

If you’re planning to be in Seattle for NatCon17, we’d love to connect so, please visit us at our booth in the Solutions Pavilion (booth 704 & 803) you can also click here to schedule a time to chat with one of the attending eHana team members! If you’re not able to attend, be sure to check back in a few weeks for our conference recap! #NatCon17